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Hope this finds you well.

A while back a friend of mine confessed that he hadn't allowed himself  to watch a game of football on the TV for 20 years. His self-imposed ban came because of the damage done to the TV the last time he did watch it. I was with him when the ban was lifted and we watched a match together - I insisted we watched it on his TV. I was reminded of this last week as I made the mistake of watching BBC's Question Time.
Last week though, it wasn't just the politics and politicians that put the TV screen under threat. The Bishop of Dover was on the panel and the discussion was on possible restrictions over the festive period. The Bishop declared that there was no real problem because the essence of Christmas is how people can show love for one another. It's the sort of thing you might expect from a politician but for someone who is representing the Christian church this is a travesty. It's just not true.  Do you ever pray and give thanks for Scott being our minister? You should, because when Scott preaches he always encourages us to keep our Bibles open and he makes sure that the focus will be on what God is saying to us.
Advent is upon us and we have some time to consider what the Bible really is saying to us.  It's message is NOT what we are going to do for one another, love or otherwise - the Bishop is dangerously wrong about this. It's Good News. It's not a few tips on how to better yourself or others. It's a declaration that the most wonderful Saviour has come - the rescue plan is in full swing.  Your plight is much worse than you might imagine but God's love has been sent down to us and for us in the person of  Jesus. 
There is a quote in the Quotable section from Scott Smith - part of it says, 'May we be...overwhelmed with your awesomeness, and increasingly “under-whelmed” with everything else.  Let's make that a prayer for our engagement with all things Christmassy this year.

It's a packed magazine this week - enjoy


Magazine No.34  (28th November)

From the Mansescott

Dear Congregation,

It is incredible to say, this Sunday is the 1st in Advent!

“Advent” is a peculiar word because it is lifted straight from Latin (adventus). Adventus means “coming”. The origin of Advent is clouded in the mists of time. However, when the 25th December was fixed as the day for celebrating Christ’s birth, like lent at Easter, the church invented a season of preparation (probably around the 5th or 6th century).

That original Advent season actually focussed on two “comings”; the Son of God coming in human flesh, Christmas, but also the Second Coming of Christ at the Last Day, the Day of Judgement.

The Church used reflection on the Second Coming as a time for examining our own hearts and lives, to confess our sins and by the grace of God look forward to Christ’s final return in His splendour, majesty and resurrection power.

This particular 4-week pattern is certainly not biblically compulsory, but may be no bad thing? It perhaps prompts us to reflect on our o
wn walk with the Lord; how we live and for whom we live our lives? Amazing that the one who we worship walked where we walk in life.

We shall make our way through the four Sundays of advent. But we shall also have three additional services..
A Christmas Eve Afternoon Service –     In the sanctuary with children present and live-streamed
A Christmas Eve Evening Service     –    In the sanctuary and live-streamed
A Christmas Day Morning Service    –    In the sanctuary and live-streamed

playlist book

A Gift!

With Covid restrictions you may not receive as many gifts this Christmas. We want to make sure you receive at least one! We want to gift each home in our congregation a book by Alistair Begg called “Christmas Playlist”. With his usual light touch but insightful exposition, Alistair shares some of the Christmas songs in the bible at the birth of Jesus and what God is saying to us in them.

The book is not a long read so when you have finished, if you know someone who would benefit from it, gift it on. The book will be given out in worship and for those unable to attend worship, your elder will ensure you receive one.

Facebook vs YouTube

We have been blessed with the fact that since the very first Sunday we were locked-down in March, we have been able to stream our church services live on Facebook. Facebook has served us well. However, some people do not have Facebook accounts and some find Facebook hard to navigate. It is thought that YouTube might be easier to use. Many TVs now have a YouTube app and some of you will find that your cable provider has a dedicated YouTube channel where you can access live streaming and recorded videos. The plan is therefore to switch the live stream of our Sunday service to our Maxwell Mearns Castle Church YouTube channel. We plan to make this switch on Sunday 6th December. There is an article below helping you find your way to our YouTube channel.


The Big Switch Over

From December the Sunday morning service will be moving over from Facebook to YouTube. 

Maxwell has a YouTube channel and if you are unsure about finding us there clicking here will take you to a very easy 'how to' guide.
Subscribing to the the church YouTube channel is free. If you actually have a Youtube account you can set things up so you get 'push notifications' which is a nudge to tell you what you should be doing and when. In the Bible this is referred to as being married. 

If you or family and friends might normally go to the Facebook page to watch services we will have a link there which will send you to the Youtube channel.
As ever, if you are not sure ask someone aged between 11 and 18.

Don't wait until 5 minutes before the service - subscribe now and you are prepare for success!

Would you like to support the homeless this Christmas?

bethany trees

Trees available from £35 can be collected from Mount Florida - Clincarthill Parish Church and Bearsden - Bearsden Baptist Church. Choose your tree and order from here:

Home delivery can be arranged between 8 and 10 December in certain Glasgow postcodes. Deadline for delivery orders is Monday 30 November.

If you would like to order a tree for delivery, please contact our team by phone, on 0345 111 8733.

Hizkidz Bags

Pauline has worked tirelessly to provide activities for the children of Hizkidz throughout Lockdown. With the help of volunteers she has delivered little brown paper bags to church families, full of crafts and bible stories to keep their faith alive during this challenging time.

Each bag has contained reference to a relevant bible passage for that particular Sunday and printed on an A4 sheet there are questions you may want to think about , a verse to remember, prayers  and different family activities.  There have been so many over the months but to give some examples, in one bag we had the story of Elijah and then, Harvest and Halloween. In this pack there were biscuits and sweets for an altar of food at home ( Andrew’s favourite bag as he loves to eat!!), craft templates, and in particular a “ thankful pumpkin “ craft. This involved cutting out strips of orange paper (everything provided by Pauline !). We were to write something we were thankful for on each strip of paper and then attach them together in a pumpkin shape with green paper for a vine and leaves. To Andrew’s delight, there were chocolate pumpkins inside the bag to munch on during the craft.

We have also had stones to paint, candles, a wreath to make and poppies for Remembrance Sunday (and yet again Andrew was delighted there was a mini doughnut for breakfast that Sunday to remember the doughnut ladies during the war!)  Full instructions and everything you need for all the activities are always included. We have learned about Passover, Joseph the dreamer, King Belshazza, Deborah, Nehemiah and Josiah. This week we made a paper wall with bricks, each brick with a word from the verse below :-
“Do not worry about anything. But pray and ask God for everything you need. And when you pray, always give thanks.” Philippians 4:6 
The task was to remove bricks and try and memorise the verse.
Although our Andrew is a little young for some of the activities we have taken part where we can and this has become a special family time on a Sunday to have fun and learn about God.

In addition to the bags, Pauline has set up a WhatsApp group so that pictures can be posted and shared once the crafts have been completed.  This helps you to feel part of the Church community and brings the families together. Clips and music from Facebook and YouTube are posted by Pauline to accompany the activities each week.

Finally, thank you Pauline and volunteers for all your hard work over the months. I am sure I speak on behalf of many in the Church community.

Nicole Pirie  

Church Office

Church offices are not allowed to open during level 4 of lockdown.  We are however, not closed!  I have reduced my hours, but calls are being answered and we are able to run as near to normal as possible.  

At this time, I am aware that some folk may be feeling a bit lonely and vulnerable again.  Please contact the office if you need anything collected or any shopping done.  As in the early stages of covid lockdown, there are people available to help.  It may be that you are just feeling a bit lonely and could do with a call.  It may be something more than that.  Whatever it is, WE CAN HELP! 
The office number is 0141 639 5169.
Sue Amery-Behr
PS:  At this time of limited Christmas shopping opportunities, I will be happy to help anyone without access to a computer with any shopping they may require via Amazon.   I can order it, sort out payment, and have it delivered to your home (usually postage free).  Just give me a call.

Youth Work News

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The youth team have been able to successfully minister to our full range of ‘youth’. 11-25 on a weekly basis.
Here are some stats and news from Daniel: 

11-18yrs meet on a weekly basis at least once a week.
Sunday night youth group from 7-9 pm.
On Sunday 15th Nov we had the highest number -  16 young people. Lowest has been 13
Every other week we meet for SU EQUIP West on a Friday night. 7-9pm  (Between 6 – 11 youth attending)

S4-S6 meet each Wednesday after school 3-4pm. Each week we have had 6 young people.

18-25 group. We have started this group in the last fortnight. At our first meeting we had 15 attending.

Pending SU School group starting. 

Prayer Points:

  • Changing regulations and protocols made it difficult to get groups going. Each group is vulnerable to any further changes to protocols. 
  • The church sanctuary has been a real blessing for youth and fantastically customizable for various events. 
  • Pray for continued engagement from young people and increased support and communication from parents
  • Pray the youth team would effectively communicate the gospel to what is quite a diverse age range of young people.
  • Pray for the S1-S3 young people as they step up to the older youth group, that they would feel welcomed and valuable. Pray also that they are able to grasp the lessons and engage with our material and their faith would both be established and grow.

What a Hoot! 

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This week at our Brownies Zoom we had some special visitors from the Scottish Owl Centre.

Niccy and Rod who run the centre joined us with Tony the Tawny Owl and Zeus the Eagle Owl. We had a fascinating evening learning about them. Tony was very confused when the girls began hooting at him in unison! Our newest Brownies also made their Promise with the owls - our first Zoom promise ceremony and our first with real live owls! 


Pulse logo
We had a really helpful visit from Mark from Word One 2 One at last week's prayer meeting.

And almost a record number of Zoom screens open too!  Plan to make space for joining with Maxwell folk on Wednesday at 7.15pm for prayer and fellowship.
The virtual doors open at around 7.05pm if you want to mingle beforehand.

St Rollox Community Outreach Project

st rollox
Rev Jane Howitt has sent us the most recent report on St Rollox church and especially their outreach project. You can find the Annual Report at this link
If you would like to assist them in their work details of how you can do this are contained in the report.


I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself. Psalm 89:1-2
Ethan (the writer of the Psalm) was overwhelmed with the steadfastness of your love, and the rock-steadiness of your faithfulness. May we be just as overwhelmed with your awesomeness, and increasingly “under-whelmed” with everything else.  

From Scotty Smith's prayer blog.

'Evangelism that does not lead to purity of life and purity of doctrine is just as faulty and incomplete
as an orthodoxy which does not lead to a concern for, and communication with, the lost.' ~

Francis Schaeffer

The Kirk Session has been encouraging us to build into our lives a desire to share the Gospel in a simple way with friends and family. To this end, we are being encouraged to use “The Word One To One” material.

Let’s all try and find one person to open John’s Gospel with. Remember to share online by zoom or by some other platform, you can download the exact same booklet. Simply go to our website; and press the “Church Life” tab >  then press the “Reaching Out” tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. You see all 11 booklets listed and available for download.
Speak to Margo McN if you would like to see a copy of a booklet.